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DENMARK. LOUISIANA Museum of Modern Art. Denmark. ARCTIC. September 2013 - February 2014

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GERMANY. Kirkegaard live at N.K. in Berlin, November 2

USA. MoMA. New York, USA. SOUNDINGS. August - November

HOLLAND. DE HALLEN HAARLEM - DREAD. Haarlem, Holland, September - November

DENMARK. LOUISIANA Museum of Modern Art. Denmark. ARCTIC. September 2013 - February 2014

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LATVIA. Speaking at symposium for sound art organized by the acclaimed Latvian festival SKANU MEZS. Riga, October 7.

IRELAND. Seminar & concert as part of Recomposing the City in Belfast, October 9 & 10

DENMARK. AGAPE is a new sound piece by Jacob Kirkegaard. It consits of love songs, primarily sung in Greek. The songs are stretched in time and thereby evading the immediate sense of chronology or a framed time span. The words shape so slowly that their meanings dissolve and the long lasting interplay between the voices and their timbres erase any perception of beginning and end. The love songs thereby extends their volatile fleeting moment between past and present.
AGAPE is ancient Greek for the divine love and charity, themes the Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard adressed in his book "Works of Love" ("Kjerlighedens Gjerninger") from 1847.
The love songs used in this work were originally recorded by Kirkegaard for his permanent sound installation for Copenhagen University.
Created for Copenhagen Museum. Will be presented on Copenhagen Culture Night on October 11

DENMARK. Improvised concert with Lars Greve & Pete Drongle as part of Wundergrund Festival. During this event vinyls of Else Marie Pade & Jacob Kirkegaards's vinyl release on IMPORTANT RECORDS will be on sale. Literaturhaus, Cph, October 29.


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*    LOUISIANA Museum of Modern Art. Denmark. ARCTIC. September 2013 - February 2014. Vernisage on Sep 25.
Louisiana’s autumn exhibition ARCTIC is an account of the descriptions and dramatizations of the magical, cultural and artistic attraction that the Arctic regions in general and the North Pole in particular have had for human beings for generations. The fascination of the Arctic, of the North Pole, is full of highly dramatic and tragic expedition stories, not rarely resulting in death for those involved.
It has inspired both poets and visual artists to create more or less imaginative visions of destruction and utopias, and still does so to a great extent. Science, sheer political imperialism and powerful commercial interests have also directed their attention to the far north.
ARCTIC is a crossover exhibition about the ways in which people with very varied backgrounds realize ideas, imaginings, dreams and visions of the unknown, and it incorporates both classic Romantic images and contemporary art, authentic expedition photos and scientific specimens, literature and sound. The entertainment industry follows on the sidelines all the way and produces images in the form of paintings, photographs, films, novels, dioramas etc., offering fear-tinged, joyous experiences of the great wastes.
Jacob Kirkegaard will present a new work: ISFALD

*    DE HALLEN HAARLEM - DREAD. Haarlem, Holland, September - November
Jacob Kirkegaard will present a new work: HYPERACUSIS
Sound can be deployed to produce discomfort, express a threat, or create an ambiance of fear or dread. But it can also cause real physical damage. In sonic warfare, ultra- and infrasound recordings are used in order to disorientate, torture, injure, incapacitate, or kill people. 
This work addresses the immediate effects caused by ultrasonic exposure normally used in sonic warfare. In order to offer a direct experience of these effects, ultrasonic (inaudible) pulses are currently being emitted through the metal grid in the ceiling of this room. STAYING IN THIS ROOM IS AT YOUR OWN RISK

*    THIRD SPACE Art gallery in Copenhagen. Opening on the 13th of Sep. – 12th of Oct. 2013
An exhibition of video and photographic works by Jacob Kirkegaard: NAGARAS & SABULATION.
“He tried thinking of something else. When he closed his eyes, a number of long lines, flowing like sighs, came floating toward him. They were ripples of sand moving over the dunes. The dunes were probably burned onto his retina because he had been gazing steadily at them for some twelve hours. The same sand currents had swallowed up and destroyed flourishing cities and great empires. They called it the “sabulation” of the Roman Empire….”

* MoMA. New York, USA. SOUNDINGS. August - November 2013
MoMA's first major exhibition of sound art presents work by 16 of the most innovative contemporary artists working with sound. While these artists approach sound from a variety of disciplinary angles—the visual arts, architecture, performance, computer programming, and music—they share an interest in working with, rather than against or independent of, material realities and environments. These artistic responses range from architectural interventions, to visualizations of otherwise inaudible sound, to an exploration of how sound ricochets within a gallery, to a range of field recordings—including echolocating bats, abandoned buildings in Chernobyl, 59 bells in New York City, and a sugar factory in Taiwan.
The diversity of these works reflects a complex and nuanced field. Yet the exhibition posits something specific: that how we listen determines what we hear. Indeed, the works provoke and evoke—both in the maker and the museumgoer—modes of active listening, and a heightened relationship between interior and exterior space. At a time when personal listening devices and tailored playlists have become ubiquitous, shared aural spaces are increasingly rare. Many of the artists in the exhibition aim for such realities, and the sound they create is decidedly social, immersing visitors and connecting them in space. In many of the works, links are drawn between disparate topographies and subjects, giving rise to new understanding and experiences.
Included in this show is Kirkegaard's Chernobyl work from 2006: AION

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* MoMA - SOUNDINGS. New York. August - December
* LABYRINTHITIS live at EYEBEAM, New York. August 16.

* Live at THE SILENT BARN, New York. August 18.

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LP pressed in an edition of 500 copies with the first 100 on color vinyl. Get this fine record HERE

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SPAIN. Combined concert & installation of LABYRINTHITIS at the Science Museum (Cosmo Caixa), Barcelona. A variation of Labyrinthitis will be installed with 16 speakers up their spiral staircase. For the opening Kirkegaard will perform the piece live with the Spanish ensemble Experimental Funktion. It is part of Sónar Festival as well. Concerts & opening on 13 & 14 of June.

DENMARK. Kirkegaard will present TRISTELEG # 1- 3; 9 new short films for his participation at Hammer Without a Master at Danish fluxus anti-artist Henning Christiansen's house. Kirkegaard will also present THRUM ETHIOPIA live at the opening. Among other artists are Leif Elggren, Marja-leena Sillanpää, Tobias Kirstein & Andreas Führer.

GREENLAND. Sound excursion / field trip to the Disko Bay and the Inland Ice. Collecting sounds for a new work for ARCTIC, an exhibition at Louisiana - Museum of Modern Art, Denmark. September 2013.

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DENMARK. Presenting his new release on TOUCH; CONVERSION live by Kirkegaard & the ensemble SCENATET:
LYDREJSE 1913-2013: Labyrinthitis II for cello, viola, violin & computer live at DIAMANTEN - The Royal Library, Copenhagen, May 4.
SPOR FESTIVAL: Church II for trombone, basclarinet, cello & 5 percussionists live at the church; Vor Frue Kirke in Århus, on May 11.

DENMARK. SALON SERVICE presents; Jacob Kirkegaard - Artist talk, discussion & performance. Kolding. May 12

SWEDEN. Labyrinthitis live at VISIONS OF THE NOW, Stockholm. May 26

DENMARK. ♥, a permanent piece for the new building of Department of Cross Cultural & Regional Studies at Copenhagen University. A 27 meter long, 24 channel sound & light installation. Inspired by the variety of cultures and languages that will be crossing this space, the work employs both acoustic and visual elements to play with the different ways that people from all over the world have found to express the universal idea of love.

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USA. THE EAR AS INSTRUMENT. Presenting new 16-channel version of Labyrinthitis at Stanford University. Apr 3

USA. EAR SIDE OUT. Sound performances by Loren Chasse & Jacob Kirkegaard. Part of the exhibition SILENCE. at BAMPFA. Apr 5

USA. Part of the exhibition SILENCE. Among other artists in this show are Christian Marclay, Tino Sehgal, Robert Rauschenberg, Marcel Duchamp & John Cage. Berkeley Art Museum, BAM/PFA, Jan 30 - Apr 28

USA. Part of the exhibition In Case We Don't Die Among other artists in this show are Mie Olise, Ida Kvetny & Teis Wendt. Torrance Art Museum, Los Angeles

USA. SABULATION and NAGARAS # 3 at group exhibition In Case We Don't Die. Torrance Art Museum, Los Angeles

SPAIN. Else Marie Pade & Jacob Kirkegaard's SVÆVNINGER will be presented by Kirkegaard live at STÖRUNG, Barcelona. Apr 18

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JUST OUT: Released March 15, 2013! Jacob Kirkegaard - CONVERSION
In collaboration with Danish ensemble Scenatet, Jacob Kirkegaard's two pieces Labyrinthitis and Church are here interpreted by classical instruments. The intention of this transformation into an instrumental score is to explore the musical dimension and potential of the sounds that were used in creating the original works. This is Jacob's 5th release for the British label TOUCH

DENMARK. New 16-channel sound installation; TØRST turns a drained swimming pool into an Icelandic geyser. Dragør. Mar 8.

USA. Presenting The Visitor, a new sound piece especially composed for the Museum of Jurassic Technology's newly built aviary. Kirkegaard will also show new works in the MJT cinema. March 21.

USA. The American ensemble Gnarwhallaby will perform Labyrinthitis II & Church II (CONVERSION) live at BetaLevel, Los Angeles. Mar 22.

USA. Part of the exhibition SILENCE. Among other artists in this show are Christian Marclay, Tino Sehgal, Robert Rauschenberg, Marcel Duchamp & John Cage. Berkeley Art Museum, BAM/PFA, Jan 30 - Apr 28

USA. SABULATION and NAGARAS # 3 at group exhibition In Case We Don't Die. Torrance Art Museum, Los Angeles, Mar 30

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UK. A Matter of Sound. Jacob Kirkegaard is giving a talk about his work at Central Saint Martins in London. Feb 8.

HOLLAND. freq_out 9 will be presented at Sonic Acts - The Dark Universe in Amsterdam

USA. Part of the exhibition SILENCE. Among other artists in this show are Christian Marclay, Tino Sehgal, Robert Rauschenberg, Marcel Duchamp & John Cage. Berkeley Art Museum, BAM/PFA, Jan 30 - Apr 28

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GERMANY. As part of TRANSMEDIALE in Berlin, THE EMBASSY CONSTRUCTED is a group exhibition held at The Nordic Embassies in Berlin
Jacob Kirkegaard has created BANDERA # 2:
The entrance to the Nordic embassies in Berlin is adorned by five large flag poles that carry the flags of the five Scandinavian countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. As a visual representation of a nation, a flag may inspire patriotic pride - or just the opposite. Beneath the superficial image of each nation there exists a set of "national" characteristics that is much more complex, diverse, and flexible than could ever be expressed by a visual representation such as a flag. Jacob Kirkegaard decided to listen more closely to these hidden "undertones" by listening to the different flag poles. He placed a vibration sensor on the iron wires carrying the flags and recorded the resonant frequency. The sounds reveal that each flag, like each nation, has its own complex layers and a distinct way to "wave".
The exhibition also features works by Juliana Hodkinson, Brandon Labelle, Liv Strand & Susanne Skog. Initiated by Åsa Stjerna and KNM; Kammernenseble Neue Musik, Berlin. Opening January 27th.

BRAZIL. Sympathy with the Invisible, group exhibition featuring works by AVPD, Ulrik Heltoft, Søren Thilo Funder, Marie Kølbæk Iversen and Jacob Kirkegaard. Fundação Ecarta, Porto Alegre

USA. Part of the exhibition SILENCE. Among other artists in this show are Christian Marclay, Tino Sehgal, Robert Rauschenberg, Marcel Duchamp & John Cage. Berkeley Art Museum, BAM/PFA, Jan 30 - Apr 28