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D E C E M B E R  16

HUNGARY. Isfald live as part of "The Arctic and Beyond" - organized by the Danish Embassy of Hungary. Dec 1st

GREECE. Premiering SWAY, a new sound work created during the IMPLODE residency in Chalkida, 2015. Welcome to Sonic Topographies in Athens on Dec 11th

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DENMARK. Alongside TR Kirstein among others, Jacob Kirkegaard will be performing in the KREV hymn orchestra as part of Leif Elggren and CM von Hausswolff's KREV embassy opening exhibition at Charlottenborg Kunsthal, Copenhagen, Nov 9

UK. Filthy Lucre, London, Nov 26 - 27

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DENMARK. Jacob Kirkegaard, Lars Lundehave, Christian Skjødt live at Radar, Aarhus. Oct 22

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NORWAY. Infinite Ear / WITHIN @ Bergen Assembly, Sep 2 - Oct 1

USA. 9 Evenings + 50. Celebration of E.A.T.´s 9 Evenings from 1966. Fridman Gallery, New York City, Sep 23

FRANCE. Sound recordings of melting ice for Dries van Noten Summer 2017 Women's Collection fashion show in Paris, Sep 28

CZECH REPUBLIC. Organized by Radio Wave & Genot Centre Kirkegaard performs at sleepover concert. Ponec Theatre, Prague, Sep 30

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DENMARK. Film Art Meets Sound Art // An evening in the company of Jacob Kirkegaard and Peter Abrechtsen in which they talk about their sonic collaboration. Overgaden, Copenhagen, August 4

DENMARK. Kirkegaard plays live as part of the festival Lost Lands at Mayhem, Copenhagen, August 5

JAPAN. Jacob Kirkegaard is part of the exhibition INTER-VIEW, organized by mAtter. Diginner Gallery, Tokyo, August 6 - 21

GREENLAND. Field recording trip to Greenland for artist and filmmaker Inuk Silis Høegh's new film project Green Land.

DENMARK. Isfald is part of Louisiana's exhibition Illumination. Humlebæk, March 1 - September 11

SWEDEN. The 12-channel sound installation Earside Out is shown at INGREDIENS-ER at Varbergs Konsthall, May 21 - September 4.

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DENMARK. Isfald is part of Louisiana's exhibition Illumination. Humlebæk, March 1 - September 11

SWEDEN. The 12-channel sound installation Earside Out is shown at INGREDIENS-ER at Varbergs Konsthall, May 21 - September 4.

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JAPAN. New release! Book / DVD of SABULATION out on Japanese label mAtter on June 26!

SPAIN. Contributing with Dawn Dusk - a new piece for Juan Manuel Castrillo's first release on the label Re-cor. The recordings for Dawn Dusk were made in the early morning hours and late afternoon in the small village Kofor Romman on the West Bank in Palestine. Release in June. Listen to the compilation HERE

DENMARK. Isfald is part of Louisiana's exhibition Illumination. Humlebæk, March 1 - September 11

DENMARK. As part of Lyt til Ribe Kirkegaard presents two new otoacoustic works; Stereocilia - a 24 channel composition and Eustachia - for 2 voices made in collaboration with Katinka Fogh Vindelev. Also presenting new works will be Adam Pultz Melbye, Jeppe Just Christensen and Niels Lyhne Løkkegaard. The concerts will be held at Ribe Kunstmuseum, June 11 & 12.

SWEDEN. The 12-channel sound installation Earside Out is shown at INGREDIENS-ER at Varbergs Konsthall, May 21 - September 4.

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DENMARK. As part of Himmelske Dage: Isfald live at the Marble Church in Copenhagen, May 6th at 10 pm sharp. Free entrance.

DENMARK. As part of LOUISIANA's Art Alive! festival Kirkegaard presents two new otoacoustic pieces; Stereocilia - a 24 channel composition and Eustachia - for 2 voices made in collaboration with Katinka Fogh Vindelev. Humlebæk, May 7th. See program HERE.

USA. Kirkegaard's works MELT and Ice Edge are part of the exhibition The Art of Winter at Shelburne Museum. Jan 23 . May 30

SWEDEN. The 12-channel sound installation Earside Out is shown at INGREDIENS-ER at Varbergs Konsthall, May 21 - September 4.

DENMARK. Isfald is part of Louisiana's exhibition Illumination. Humlebœk, March 1 - September 11

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FRANCE. As part of the exhibition On the Sensations of Tone Kirkegaard will be showing his 12-channel sound installation Earside Out and playing Labyrinthitis II for strings live at Le Bon Accueil in Rennes, France. April 22nd & 23rd.

FRANCE. Presenting Labyrinthitis live at Espace Mendés France (Planetarium) in Poltiers, April 24th

SWEDEN. Galleri Tom Christoffersen represents Jacob Kirkegaard showing his new work EXPLUSION. Market Art Fair, Stockholm. Kirkegaard's new sound work MELT will also be presented at Market Projects at the Market Art Fair in Stockholm, 22-24 April, curated by Stefanie Hessler.

DENMARK. Jacob Kirkegaard's work ISFALD (Courtesy LOUISIANA - Museum of Modern Art, Denmark) is part of J.F. Willumsens Museum's exhibition NATURMØDER. Among the other participating artists in this exhibition are Astrid Kruse Jensen, Ebbe Stub Wittrup, Eva Koch, John Kørner, Nikolaj Howalt, Olafur Eliasson and Tal R. Running from October 8th 2015 to April 3rd, 2016.

USA. Kirkegaard's works MELT and Ice Edge are part of the exhibition The Art of Winter at Shelburne Museum, USA. Jan 23 . May 30

DENMARK. Isfald is part of Louisiana's exhibition Illumination. Humlebœk, March 1 - September 11

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UK. Earchestra is a new vocal work built from tones generated in the inner ear. These tones, called spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (or SOAE), are produced--without external stimulation--in the ears of some people. Whereas the combinations of tones emitted from one ear can be dissonant, microtonal and complex, tones emitted from the other ear can be harmonious and 'in tune'. Each emitting ear produces something akin to an acoustic fingerprint; these are the basis of the composition.
As part of his residency as Sound Artist at St John's College (University of Oxford), Kirkegaard has recorded and collected tones generated inside the ears of students and staff from a wide number of differnet colleges at Oxford. These recorded 'ear chords' were filtered, analyzed, and then interpreted for voices. Earchestra connects two intimate organs of our body: the ear and the throat. The ears are the composers, the throat and mouth are the performers.
Earchestra will be presented live by the very same 30 individuals whose ears produced the tones that are at the heart of the piece. The performance will take place in the Chapel at St. John's College, Oxford University at 7pm on Friday 4th March 2016.

DENMARK. Jacob Kirkegaard's work ISFALD (Courtesy LOUISIANA - Museum of Modern Art, Denmark) is part of J.F. Willumsens Museum's exhibition NATURMØDER. Among the other participating artists in this exhibition are Astrid Kruse Jensen, Ebbe Stub Wittrup, Eva Koch, John Kørner, Nikolaj Howalt, Olafur Eliasson and Tal R. Running from October 8th 2015 to April 3rd, 2016.

DENMARK. Isfald is part of Louisiana's exhibition Illumination. Humlebœk, March 1 - September 11

USA. Kirkegaard's works MELT and Ice Edge are part of the exhibition The Art of Winter at Shelburne Museum, USA. Jan 23 . May 30

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UK. Jacob Kirkegaard is the 2016 Sound-Artist-in-Residence at Oxford University, UK.
UK. Aion will be shown at Kirkegaard's studio at St. John's College located next to the Barn. Oxford University, Feb 9th @ 8pm.

AUSTRIA. Spectral Sounds has commissioned seven sound artists to realise a site specific sound piece for Musikpavillon at Hofgarten Innsbruck. Every week another composition can be heard on site. Jacob Kirkegaard participates with a new version of his 2010 work Haus der Mahre. 8th of January - 29th of February.

DENMARK. Jacob Kirkegaard's work ISFALD (Courtesy LOUISIANA - Museum of Modern Art, Denmark) is part of J.F. Willumsens Museum's exhibition NATURMØDER. Among the other participating artists in this exhibition are Astrid Kruse Jensen, Ebbe Stub Wittrup, Eva Koch, John Kørner, Nikolaj Howalt, Olafur Eliasson and Tal R. Running from October 8th 2015 to April 3rd, 2016.

USA. Kirkegaard's works MELT and Ice Edge are part of the exhibition The Art of Winter at Shelburne Museum, USA. Jan 23 . May 30

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UK. Jacob Kirkegaard is the 2016 Sound-Artist-in-Residence at Oxford University, UK.
* Earside Out - an otoacoustic installation 18th - 24th of January. Opening reception 5pm on Monday 18th of January.
* Lecture - 5pm Friday 22nd of January
* A new work will be produced during the residency and presented around mid March. Date and concept be announced.
The lecture and exhibition is free and everyone is welcome.
Directions to the St John's Barn: Map can be found HERE. The Barn is number 22 on the map; it is located at the northern end of the St John's campus, just where St Giles turns into Banbury Road.The postcode for St John's College is OX1 3JP. The St John's Porters' Lodge can be contacted on this number: 01865-277300

AUSTRIA. Spectral Sounds has commissioned seven sound artists to realise a site specific sound piece for Musikpavillon at Hofgarten Innsbruck. Every week another composition can be heard on site. Jacob Kirkegaard participates with a new version of his 2010 work Haus der Mahre. 8th of January - 29th of February.

DENMARK. Jacob Kirkegaard's work ISFALD (Courtesy LOUISIANA - Museum of Modern Art, Denmark) is part of J.F. Willumsens Museum's exhibition NATURMØDER. Among the other participating artists in this exhibition are Astrid Kruse Jensen, Ebbe Stub Wittrup, Eva Koch, John Kørner, Nikolaj Howalt, Olafur Eliasson and Tal R. Running from October 8th 2015 to April 3rd, 2016.

USA. Kirkegaard's works MELT and Ice Edge are part of the exhibition The Art of Winter at Shelburne Museum, USA. Jan 23 . May 30