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D E C E M B E R  14

As part ot errant bodies exhibition series STADT KLANG TEXT - Urban Sound Projects and on occasion of the 25. anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall Jacob Kirkegaard will present 'Through the Wall'. This installation is based his vibration recordings from the West Bank Barrier (or Apartheid Wall) in Palestine, - the 800 km massive wall currently being built by the Israeli State. The exhibition will be shared with German artist Georg Klein, who shows his work "Ramallah Tours". Discussion on Thursday the 11th at 7pm with Prof. Kathrin Wildner and the artists. Errant Bodies space, Berlin. 10th - 14th of December.

DENMARK. Record release party and concert with Danish quartet We like We. Their new vinyl album (out on Jomi Massage's label The Being Music and mixed by Jacob Kirkegaard) "a New Age of Sensibility" will be on sale. Jacob Kirkegaard will end the evening with a DJ-set. Københavns Musikteater, 16th of December

SWITZERLAND. As part of the group exhibition Oblivion curated by Elisa Rusca, Jacob Kirkegaard will show his work Matter of Memory. Oblivion will open on the 21st of December, inaugurating the new exhibition venue of La Rada, a space for contemporary art founded in 2003.

N O V E M B E R  14

BRAZIL. SP UNHEARD: New site-specific work for CCSP, Sao Paulo, Nov 29

BRAZIL. No Início - Bemjemeria. Performance in collaboration with Lilibeth Cuenca, live at CCSP, Sao Paulo, Nov 30

BRAZIL. As part of MULTIPLICIDADE Kirkegaard presents his 16-channel sound installation LABYRINTHITIS at tower in Parque Lage, Rio de Janerio

O C T O B E R  14

DENMARK. Bemejemeria (In the Begining) First collaboration with artist & performer Lilibeth Cuenca, live as part of her exhibition BEING HUMAN at Nikolaj Kunsthal in Copenhagen and at the opening of WUNDERGRUND Festival also in Copenhagen. Oct 23rd and 24th

GREECE. Commissioned by Onassis Cultural Centre and InMUTE festival Jacob Kirkegaard will present his new soundtrack for Carl Th. Dreyer's silent film from 1928 "The Passion of Joan of Arc" live at the Onassis Cultural Centre and as part of InMUTE festival. Oct 26th

S E P T E M B E R  14

DENMARK. Premiere of new work, SOLÁMOK commissioned by Rued Langgaard Festival and performed live at Ribe Cathedral. Solámok is Kirkegaard's new composition for field recordings, percussion & church organ. Solámok consist of three parts and an epilogue. It will be performed live by Kirkegaard with the third part in collaboration with SCENATET. Rued Langgaard Festival in Ribe on Sep 5th.

DENMARK. 'Tone Poem for Richard Strauss' is Katinka Fogh Vindelev and Jacob Kirkegaard's interpretation of composer Richard Strauss' final completed works, "Vier Letzte Lieder" (Four Last Songs) from 1948. Live at Queedens Gaard as part of Rued Langgaard Festival, Ribe, Sep 6th.

JAPAN. Jacob Kirkegaard's new installation STIGMA is commissioned by and exhibited at Mori Art Museum, Tokyo.
As a sequel to AION, Kirkegaard's new sound and video installation STIGMA created especially for Mori Museum (MAM Project) in Tokyo, works with the natural landscape of Fukushima. Inspired by hanging scroll landscape painting Kirkegaard fills a five meter vertical screen with idyllic nature scenes. By recording and layering their ambient sound, the resonances of these outside spaces are revealed. STIGMA challenges the perception of a nature we usually embrace. Exhibition opening on Sep 19th followed by an artist talk at Mori Museum on Sep 20th. Exhibition period Sep 14 - Jan 15.

A U G U S T  14

NEW RELEASE: "An amazing new composition by the Danish sound explorer Jacob Kirkegaard, a soundtrack for the film of Uzbek director Saodat Ismailova, a journey into silence and its possible inner variations, an intimate and deep sonic journey, that takes us further into ourselves. Listen carefully and inmerse yourself into 40 days of Silence." Vinyl record, VON Archives, 2014. Sold in Berlin through RUMPSTI PUMSTI shop & mailorder.

USA. During this Summer Kirkegaard made underwater recordings of Hudson River. ÆSTURARIUM is his composition from these sounds. Estuaries are transition zones between a river and the sea. Live at the Silent Barn, New York, August 21.

J U L Y  1 4

USA. TONE POEM FOR RICHARD STRAUSS. Jacob Kirkegaard is joining forces classical singer Katinka Fogh Vindelev in an interpretation of composer Richard Strauss' final completed works, "Vier Letzte Lieder" (Four Last Songs) from 1948. By extracting and working with minute fragments and phrases, they tease out what they see as the essence of these songs written so close to the composer’s death. Live at the Seligmann Center for the opening of the Robert Fagan Art Library, New York. July 12th 3pm-8pm.

USA. Jacob Kirkegaard. Artist talk at ISCP, New York City. July 22, 6:30 pm.

J U N E  1 4

USA. TONE POEM FOR RICHARD STRAUSS. Jacob Kirkegaard is joining forces classical singer Katinka Fogh Vindelev in an interpretation of composer Richard Strauss' final completed works, "Vier Letzte Lieder" (Four Last Songs) from 1948. By extracting and working with minute fragments and phrases, they tease out what they see as the essence of these songs written so close to the composer’s death. Live at solstice celebration all day at SOCRATES SCULPTURE PARK, Queens, New York City, June 21st.

USA. As part of NON EVENT Jacob Kirkegaard is presenting SVÆVNINGER (Else Marie Pade & Jacob Kirkegaard, 2012) as well as FAUST SUITE (Else Marie Pade, 1962) live at the Goethe Institute in Boston, June 26

M A Y  14

USA. PIVOT live at REVERSE GALLERY in Brooklyn, New York, May 1st

ISFALD (Courtesy LOUISIANA - Museum of Modern Art) live at ISSUE PROJECT ROOM in Brooklyn, New York, May 2nd

GERMANY. Part of the exhibition OBLIVION curated by Elisa Rusca. Presenting MATTER of MEMORY, Opening in Berlin, May 9th

A P R I L  14

USA. The Triangle Project in New York. Live at TBA Brooklyn. April 17. Talk at the Gershwin Hotel, New York, April 18.

USA. Part of ULTIMA festival in New York; Presenting FAUST SUITE (1962) by Else Marie Pade. In coorporation with Dubplates & Mastering in Berlin Jacob Kirkegaard has restored and mastered Pade's electronic works, which are soon to appear on her first ever international release (triple vinyl on Important Records). At Issue Project Room, New York City, April 24.

USA. Jacob Kirkegaard presenting selected works at Open Studios at ISCP, New York City. April 25-27

USA. Jacob Kirkegaad is currently Artist in Residency at the ISCP in New York City. Generously granted by the Danish Arts Council.

M A R C H  14

LONDON. Presenting the sound installation LABYRINTHITIS, a live version of ELDFJALL and DJ'ing for the party later.

MOROCCO. 24-channel sound installation freq_out to be held at the Teatre Royal in Marrakech as part of Marrakech Biennale

GERMANY. Presenting the collaborative work with Else Marie Pade; SVÆVNINGER live at Schwankhalle in Bremen on March 28

F E B R U A R Y   1 4

JAPAN. Recordings in Fukushima for a new work for & commissioned by Mori Museum in Tokyo in September.

MOROCCO. 24-channel sound installation freq_out to be held at the Teatre Royal in Marrakech as part of Marrakech Biennale

GERMANY. ISFALD live at FEED @ KW, Berlin, Feb 20

J A N U A R Y   1 4

DENMARK. Recordings in Ribe and its cathedral for Solámok, a new composition for Rued Langgaard Festival in September.

DENMARK. LOUISIANA Museum of Modern Art. Denmark. ARCTIC. September 2013 - February 2014