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This work consists of a selection of forensic microscopies of eight different causes of death that Kirkegaard has edited into eight abstract
square pictures in black and white. Six sound files play back sound recordings of six different types of calliphoridae (blow flies) that
he held still in front of a microphone, thus revealing each calliphoridae’s the unique wing frequency and tone.
Together, all six characteristic calliphoridae form a dissonant swarming chord.

The title of the work is borrowed from the horror writer H.P. Lovecraft. Translated from Greek Necromonicon is
“the image of the law of death” and in History of the Necromonicon Lovecraft described the phenomenon
as the nightly sound of insects like a howl of demons.

The eight causes of death illustrated are: Mesothelioma, liver failure, Melanoma, stroke, cardiac arrest,
atherosclerosis, blod clot
and Covid-19. The six different types of blow flies are: Calliphora vicina,
Calliphora vomitoria, Lucilia bufonivora, Lucilia caesar, Pollenia rudis
and Sarcophaga carnaria.

 Necromonicon, 59 minutes, 2020
Courtesy Galleri Tom Christoffersen, Copenhagen, DK and Fridman Gallery, New York, USA 

Jacob Kirkegaard © 2020
All rights reserved