As a visual representation of a nation, a flag may inspire patriotic pride - or just the opposite. Beneath the superficial image of each nation there exists a set of "national" characteristics that is much more complex diverse, and flexible than could ever be expressed by a visual representation such as a flag. Jacob Kirkegaard decided to listen more closely to these hidden "undertones" by listening to the different flag poles. He placed a vibration sensor on the iron wires carrying the flags and recorded the resonant frequency. The sounds reveal that each flag, like each nation, has its own complex layers and a distinct way to "wave"
As part of TRANSMEDIALE in Berlin, THE EMBASSY CONSTRUCTED was a group exhibition held at The Nordic Embassies in Berlin.
The exhibition also featured works by Juliana Hodkinson, Brandon Labelle, Liv Strand & Susanne Skog. Initiated by Åsa Stjerna and KNM; Kammernenseble Neue Musik, Berlin