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* FUNDACION EL MAR ADENTRO Poligonal Nº2: Diálogos de creatividad + acción social por el planeta. Santiago, Dec, 3rd
* ENCUENTRO TSONAMI Practicas Sonoras en Contextos de Crisis, Valparaiso, Dec 2nd - 7th
* A sound-only version of MELT is part of the exhibition BOAT TRIP at Wood Street Galleries, Pittsburgh, USA, Sep 27 - Dec 31
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* TESTIMONIUM (audio visual version) live at Parasound which is part of Paradox film festival, Leipzig, November 2nd
* TESTIMONIUM (8-channel sound-only version) live at artfreq, DRs Koncerthus, Copenhagen, November 6th
* OPUS CREMATIO live at TOPOS showcase as part of G((o))ng Tomorrow Festival, at CC in Copenhagen, November 8th
* OPUS MORTURARIUM at SLOW - en aften om graven, Glyptoteket, Copenhagen, November 28th
* Opus Mors (1-hour version) @ Simultan Festival in Timisoara, November 10th
* A sound-only version of MELT is part of the exhibition BOAT TRIP at Wood Street Galleries, Pittsburgh, USA, Sep 27 - Dec 31
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* Vinyl record release of We like We & Jacob Kirkegaard : Time is Local on the label Sonic Pieces, Berlin, Germany
* Artist talk at Krogerup Højskole as part of Når Naturen Kalder. October 15th
* Artist talk and live performance at Jyderup Højskole,
* A sound-only version of MELT is part of the exhibition BOAT TRIP at Wood Street Galleries, Pittsburgh, USA, Sep 27 - Dec 31
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* TOPOS and Julie Martin (director of E.A.T.) performs John Cage's Variations VII live at Den Rå Hal, Aarhus Festuge, Sep 3
* Lecture: The History of E.A.T. and 9 Evenings, told by director of E.A.T. Julie Martin (born 1938). The talk will be joined by TOPOS for a talk about their collaboration. ARoS Art Museum, Aarhus, Sep 3
* TOPOS and Julie Martin on field trip to the Swedish island Knavelskär. Julie Martin visited the island 45 years ago in 1974 as part of David Tudor's Island Eye Island Ear.
* ULTIMA Festival hosts the world premiere Kirkegaard's 8-channel version of TESTIMONIUM on Sep 13
* ULTIMA Festival hosts the audio-visual version of TESTIMONIUM throughout the festival
* Ultima Context: Dark Future - Timothy Morton, Jennifer Walshe, Jacob Kirkegaard, Elida Høeg. Moderation Rob Young. Sep 14
* Lecture: The History of E.A.T. and 9 Evenings, told by director of E.A.T. Julie Martin (born 1938). The talk will be joined by Jacob Kirkegaard from TOPOS to talk about their collaboration.
* TOPOS and Julie Martin (director of E.A.T.) performs John Cage's Variations VII live at Copenhagen Contemporary, Cph, Sep 19
* Lecture: The History of E.A.T. and 9 Evenings, told by director of E.A.T. Julie Martin (born 1938). The talk will be joined by TOPOS for a talk about their collaboration. Copenhagen Contemporary, Cph, Sep 19
* A sound-only version of MELT is part of the exhibition BOAT TRIP at Wood Street Galleries, Pittsburgh, USA, Sep 27 - Dec 31
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* Jacob Kirkegaard's new audio visual work on waste, TESTIMONIUM, will be shown at Nuuk Art Museum. During his stay in Nuuk Kirkegaard will visit - and record - the various waste management sites around the Greenlandic capital. The exhibition will open with a presentation of this newly recorded material along with a live version of TESTIMONIUM. HERE is a little feature on the creation of the work. August 8.
* New work entitled EN BY I RUSLAND for Urban Sound Art Festival STRUER // TRACKS.
About the work: In Danish, the expression “A town in Russia” (“En by i Rusland”) is used as a metaphor for something unknown or alien. The work is created from field recordings of different urban locations in Russia such as a train station, a street corner, a square, a residential area, a playground, a graveyard or a public park. With the aim to dissolve the metaphor for "A town in Russia" as the concept of the alien, the field recordings from a 'Russian town' are then installed in the Danish town called Struer in exact similar locations: i.e. the ambient sounds from a train station somewhere in Russia will be heard in the train station in Denmark, the sound from a street corner somewhere in Russia will be heard in a town somewhere in Denmark. August 23.
* At the festival Klang Moor Schopfe Jacob Kirkegaard will present his installation BLACK METAL SQUARE as well as an artist talk and his first otoacoustic composition LABYRINTHITIS (2007). August 30.
* Based on the 12-hour long composition ‘Time is Local’ premiered at Thorvaldsens Museum (DK) in 2017, the Danish quartet We like We and Jacob Kirkegaard are excited to announce their forthcoming vinyl album on the Berlin-based label Sonic Pieces.
A first track is now digially available. Sneak peek link HERE. The ’Time is Local’ album will be released in September.
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* Field recording for new sound work for Vadehavscentret as part of Lyt til Ribe (link from previous event HERE) The work will portray one of the unique tiny creatures called Corophium volutator which are nesting in the Wadden Sea, a tidal sea and UNESCO World Heritage Site. The work will be presented live at Vadehavscentret near Ribe in October.
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* Jacob Kirkegaard - Phonurgia Metallis (CD) IMPORTANT RECORDS, USA (Read more about the original work HERE)
* Jacob Kirkegaard - Black Metal Square (LP) IMPORTANT RECORDS, USA (Read more about the original work HERE)
Read The Wire announcement HERE
TESTIMONIUM is part of the exhibition WasteArt "NOT out of sight, NOT out of mind". Read more HERE
WATCH feature about Jacob Kirkegaard's work on waste HERE
* Field recording for new sound installation "En by i Rusland" for the exhibition Struer Tracks in Struer, Denmark in August.
* TESTIMONIUM - presented live at GEZ / Sound Museum (former Pushkinskaya 10) St. Petersburg, May 30th
* Artyom Kryptogen & Jacob Kirkegaard in live performance at GEZ / Sound Museum, St. Petersburg, May 30th
* OPUS MORS presented live at Museum of Freud's Dreams, St. Petersburg, June 1st
* Field recording for new permanent work for Museum of World Ocean, Kaliningrad
Jacob Kirkegaard's otoacoustic sound installation Eustachia for 18 Ears is part of the group show Invisible Man:
The artworks in 'Invisible Man' involve the audience through active and implied participation. They invite our bodies to move through environments and installations, completing the incomplete and transforming the abstract into concrete form and experience. Artists include: Pascal Dombis, Jacob Kirkegaard, robotlab, UVA (United Visual Artists) Laurent Mignonneau & Christa Sommerer, Samuel Bianchini. Wood Street Galleries, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Opening on April 26th. Running until June 16th
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* World premiere of TESTIMONIUM at UN-HABITAT in Nairobi, May 30th
World premiere of OPUS MORS at BLOOM - Festival for Nature and Science. Opus Mors is a contemplative listening space for one of the most existential and natural aspects of being alive, which is death. The project portrays the four most common sound environments that human body will be surrounded by or exposed to in the immediate post mortem: a morgue, autopsy, decomposition and cremation, events that no one will ever get to sense on their own bodies because of the very fact of death. The work can be experienced as installation at the Cisterns in Copenhagen on May 25th and 26th
Another world premiere from Kirkegaard is his new choir piece entitled MORGUE. It is composed especially on occassion of the BLOOM - Festival for Nature and Science, from the ambient tones and air ventilation recordings from a morgue. MORGUE will be performed by ARS NOVA Copenhagen and Allegrokoret. The three concerts will be performed in Cisternerne in the evening of Saturday the 25th. Get tickets here:
MORGUE @ 8pm http://bloom.ooo/event/morgue-2/
MORGUE @ 8pm http://bloom.ooo/event/morgue/
MORGUE @ 8pm http://bloom.ooo/event/morgue-3/
Jacob Kirkegaard's otoacoustic sound installation Eustachia for 18 Ears is part of the group show Invisible Man:
The artworks in 'Invisible Man' involve the audience through active and implied participation. They invite our bodies to move through environments and installations, completing the incomplete and transforming the abstract into concrete form and experience. Artists include: Pascal Dombis, Jacob Kirkegaard, robotlab, UVA (United Visual Artists) Laurent Mignonneau & Christa Sommerer, Samuel Bianchini. Wood Street Galleries, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Opening on April 26th. Running until June 16th
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Jacob Kirkegaard's otoacoustic sound installation Eustachia for 18 Ears is part of the group show Invisible Man:
The artworks in 'Invisible Man' involve the audience through active and implied participation. They invite our bodies to move through environments and installations, completing the incomplete and transforming the abstract into concrete form and experience. Artists include: Pascal Dombis, Jacob Kirkegaard, robotlab, UVA (United Visual Artists) Laurent Mignonneau & Christa Sommerer, Samuel Bianchini. Wood Street Galleries, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Opening on April 26th. Running until June 16th
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Jacob Kirkegaard in conversation with the Russian director Victor Kossakovsky on his new work AQUARELA. Part of the CPH:DOX, Copenhagen, March 24
Artist-in-residence as part of "WasteArt - NOT out of sight, NOT out of mind" at MoKS
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Participant in the bootcamp "WasteArt - NOT out of sight, NOT out of mind" with later artist residency at MoKS in Estonia
Equilibrium Festival - Aurora Boreale: Kirkegaard particiates with his sound installation ELDFJALL as well as two live performances of his work CELESTIAL ROAD. Auditorium, Rome Italy, feb 10
WILDERNESS is an extensive exhibition dedicated to the fascination of the phenomenon "wilderness" in art - from the 1900 to the present. SHIRN Kunsthalle in Frankfurt . Showing MELT. Opening on October 31st. Exhibition period: Nov 1st, 2018 - Feb 3rd, 2009
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BLACK METAL SQUARE # 1 is a freely hanging black metal plate whose subtle natural vibrations are amplified and played back into itself, evoking its resonant frequencies. The installation refers to Kazimir Malevich’s famous painting Black Square from 1915 and his quote ‘It is from zero, in zero, that the true movement of being begins’. The astronomer Robert Fludd’s drawing of the black square from 1617 inscribed with the phrase ‘et sic in infinitum’ (and so on to infinity) is also an inspirational source for Jacob Kirkegaard's black square, who asks the question: ’but how does the black square sound?". Showing at Galleri Tom Christoffersen, Copenhagen, 19th - 26th and opening with live performance on the 18th
Artist talk and live performance at Jyderup Højskole. Jan 31st and Feb 1st.
WILDERNESS is an extensive exhibition dedicated to the fascination of the phenomenon "wilderness" in art - from the 1900 to the present. SHIRN Kunsthalle in Frankfurt . Showing MELT. Opening on October 31st. Exhibition period: Nov 1st, 2018 - Feb 3rd, 2009